Category Archives: Inspiration

Little Things I Love About My New Home

Little Things I Love About My New Home

Life has been REALLY busy the last couple months. I finally moved into my new place. After two months of manual work, fights with the contractors, and exhausting and eternal hours of painting, I can say that all my efforts have been paid off. It feels so good to have your own space. I alsoContinue Reading

Inspiration Look

Inspiration Look

  Christmas Look by altmoda featuring round toe high heels This can be a perfect look for New Year. For Spanish people, December 31st is very important and we always dress up elegant and nicely to receive the new year wearing our best “galas”. I may wear something very similar to this.Continue Reading

2012 Christmas Wish List

2012 Christmas Wish List

Carrera Daytona Aviator Sunglasses (here) Anne Klein Watch (here) Seychelles Boots (here) This morning, I was thinking that I didn’t do a Christmas Wish List. I only needed to go to my Amazon Shopping Cart and the list was right there. I wanted to buy these things since weeks ago, but there was always something else IContinue Reading

Black Dress

Black Dress

  Black Dress by altmoda featuring a lace midi dress This set is dedicated to that black dress that all women have and always rescue us when we need it. Este set es dedicado a ese vestido negro que todo mujer tiene y que siempre nos salva cuando más lo necesitamos.Continue Reading

Denim Love

Denim Love

  Denim Love by altmoda featuring a denim coatContinue Reading



W.E. (IMDb Link) W.E. is a film which has captured my heart. My coworker talked about the movie and I couldn’t resist watching it. I wonder how was possible I didn’t watched it before. It is magnificent. Madonna did a great job directed this movie. She also wrote the story (very good job Madonna, I’mContinue Reading

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Showing by category: Inspiration

Little Things I Love About My New Home

Life has been REALLY busy the last couple months. I finally moved into my n[more]

Inspiration Look

  Christmas Look by altmoda featuring round toe high heels This can be a perfect[more]

2012 Christmas Wish List

Carrera Daytona Aviator Sunglasses (here) Anne Klein Watch (here) Seychelles Boot[more]

Black Dress

  Black Dress by altmoda featuring a lace midi dress This set is dedicated t[more]

Denim Love

  Denim Love by altmoda featuring a denim coat [more]


W.E. (IMDb Link) W.E. is a film which has captured my heart. My cowo[more]