Anne Klein Blouse (similar here)
LightintheBox Skirt (on sale here)
Rialto Flats (on sale here)
Vintage Purse
I wore this outfit early this week. Unfortunately, the weather is so bad right now that I haven’t been able to take pictures. Hurricane Sandy passed by Cuba yesterday and it has brought a lot of rain to Miami.
I decided to wear this outfit for a project presentation I did for school. I have a lot of friends who feel very uncomfortable taking in front of an audience, but that is not my case (actually, I talk too much). I have never been afraid of public speaking, but I make sure I am very prepared for these kinds of presentations because it terrifies me not to be able to answer a question, or worse, being ignorant about something essential to the topic I am talking about.
Me puse ésta ropa al principio de la semana. Desgraciadamente el tiempo ha estado tan malo que no he podido salir a sacar fotos. EL Huracán Sandy pasó ayer por Cuba y ha traído much alluvia a Miami. Decidí ponerme este vestuario para una presentación que tuve en la escuela. Tengo muchísimos amigos que no se sienten bien hablando en público, pero ese no es mi caso (de hecho, hablo demasiado). Núnca me ha asustado el hablar delante de personas, pero me aseguro de estar preparada para éste tipo de presentaciones porque me aterroriza no ser capaz de contestar una pregunta o ignorer algo importante sobre el tema que estoy hablando.